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Anime 3D Nail Art. Div3


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Category: “Anime 3D Nail Art.

Competitor should create an original, wearable 3D salon-style design using the  Anime 3D decals on 5 tips of any shape and a length of 2.5 - 3 cm. The composition, placement, and size of the tips should resemble natural nails. The 3D elements can occupy up to 50% of the tip's surface.

Allowed: Pre-made 3D elements, acrylics (clear and colored), jelly gels (clear and colored), 3D gels in various colors and mixtures, 4D gels (plasticine) in different colors and mixtures, gel pastes, gel paints, colored gels, gel polishes, nail design decorations, rhinestones, and rhinestone glue.
The background of the tips may be coated with a solid-color polish or gel polish, French-style coverage, and can have either a glossy or matte finish.
It's allowed to enhance the main 3D elements with fine line detailing and additional elements using various techniques. Rhinestone and other nail decor inlays (up to 10%) are permitted to achieve a cohesive composition.

Not Allowed: The use of any materials that are not related to professional nail design.

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